Campus Info
Stephen F. Austin Elementary is located 19 miles north of the Mexican border and was established in 1926. As a Title I school, Austin Elementary faces many challenges. It currently serves 358 students in pre-kindergarten thru fifth grade with a Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities "PPCD" unit. Approximately 94 percent of the student population is economically disadvantaged. Strategies in place to ensure student academic success include interventions for targeted groups, vertical planning with specific students' needs in mind, and constant parent communication. Student success is the common goal within the Austin school community. Test scores prove that academic needs are being met. Austin Elementary sets high expectations so every child can be successful.
The school has extremely dedicated teachers who throughout the years have helped Austin earn numerous accolades. The school provides staff development for all teachers to specifically address and target academic areas of concern. Teachers are provided with instructional tools and resources to implement and use in the classroom. In addition, teachers analyze data from current and previous years using quintile reports and student grids to identify patterns or gaps in the curriculum. Austin Elementary strives for the success of all students. The staff at Austin believes that the only thing that can pull a child out of poverty is an education and a will to succeed. This belief provides each child with an equal opportunity to succeed. Students are reminded that they are the leaders of tomorrow and that their future is full of endless possibilities.